Knock Down Rebuild
Dodgy plumbing, asbestos and wood rot can add thousands of dollars and extra months of work to a renovation. Don’t compromise on your dream home.
Start From Scratch, Knock Down and Rebuild in Sydney
From your initial site assessment, right through to handing over the key, all your questions will be answered with full transparency. So, you’ll know exactly what to expect and when to expect it at every stage of the knockdown rebuild process.

Benefits of Knock Down and Rebuild with Kuber Homes
Kuber Homes are experts in knockdown rebuilds. Unlike other builders, we don’t renovate. In Sydney, as land is at a premium, knockdown rebuilds are the majority of our work, so we’re pretty good at it. Unlike renovating or extending, when you demolish and rebuild a new home, you know what you’re getting. You’re not confined to building within the constraints of the existing floor plan. Wiping the slate clean and starting again means just that. Don’t risk a budget and time blow out. Build a fresh, modern home you’ll love.